Yet Another Heresy From Heresy-Mouth

Bergoglio gives a reflection on the communion of saints, which is, of course a dogma of the Catholic Faith. So we are definitely in the area of heresy here. He says that the communion of saints is the Church, but gives it an unheard of meaning: “The Church is the community of saved sinners. It’s beautiful, this definition. No one can exclude themselves [sic] from the Church, we are all saved sinners.”

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Bergoglio Calls Adhering to Tradition a Perversion

On February 2nd, Bergoglio said this in a homily: “We cannot pretend not to see these signs and continue as if nothing had happened, repeating the same old things, dragging ourselves through inertia into the forms of the past, paralyzed by fear of change. I have said it many times: today, the temptation to go backwards, out of security, out of fear, to preserve the faith, to preserve the founding charism… It is a temptation. The temptation to go backwards and preserve “traditions” with rigidity. Let’s get this straight: rigidity is a perversion, and underneath all rigidity there are serious problems.”

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Suspended magisterium?

Recently the camp of the Novus Ordo conservatives, or neocons, as they are commonly called, seems to have descended into a panic.

Up to now they have bent over backwards to maintain the principle that Vatican II did not change anything substantial in the Catholic Faith. While they may prefer pre-Vatican II rites and ceremonies, they refuse to call what has come out of Vatican II a new and false religion, as we call it.

Consequently we have seen over the years mostly an ostrich approach to anything that seems to contradict this thesis of theirs.

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The dying Novus Ordo religion

Recently a Novus Ordo priest in Maryland tweeted the following:

Simply put: every diocese is full of parishes that have much smaller, now mostly older, congregations, in aging buildings with less money, and in a few short years we will hit the bell curve with both people and money. And we’re barely talking about it.

Our schools are closing, and those that remain are becoming “private” schools for those who can afford them, as we struggle to understand what “Catholic Identity” means for a student body, most of whom do not attend Sunday Mass.

The average knowledge of the faith in most Catholic communities is at a low point, though it will probably get worse. Meanwhile, the practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation has virtually disappeared, as have other traditions that had culturally marked Catholics in the past.

The priest’s name is Fr. Matthew Fish, and is the pastoral administrator at Holy Family Catholic Church in Hillcrest Heights, Maryland. He assigns the cause of all of this to the “collapse of Catholic culture.”

As horrifying as Fr. Fish’s analysis is, and accurate, I am forever aghast at the failure to assign this decomposition to Vatican II. All of the Catholic culture, of which he laments the passing, was very much present before Vatican II, e.g., Catholic schools accessible to all (because of the plenitude of brothers and nuns to teach in them), Catholic hospitals, Catholic orphanages, Catholic Youth Organization, Catholic lawyers’ and doctors’ associations, Holy Name Societies, Confraternities, Rosary Societies, and many other similar organizations. There were long lines for confession every Saturday with many priests hearing. Seminaries and novitiates were loaded with vocations. There were public processions with the Blessed Sacrament. There was the Legion of Decency. In other words, there was a whole world of Catholicism which preserved Catholic morals and culture in every aspect of life. I am witness to this, since I lived it as a child. Then Vatican II blew it all up. Why do not any of the Novus Ordo clergy say this When will they say that the Council was the work of the enemies of the Church, the Modernists, called by Saint Pius X the worst enemies of the Catholic Church? Never in her history has the Church seen such devastating destruction of the faith in her people and her institutions.

Before the Council, the Catholic Church was very careful to protect the faithful from the influences of the non-Catholic world in which they lived. The reason for all of the institutions and organizations which I mentioned above was, precisely, to make a Catholic world for Catholics living in a non Catholic, even anti-Catholic, culture. The very notion of protecting Catholics from bad influence was destroyed by Vatican II, embracing as it did the Modernist idea of adaptation to the modern world.

I even remember sitting in a religion class in 1966, in which the the teacher, a religious Brother, was talking about the change in thinking about protecting Catholics from the modern world. He spoke about all the organizations which I mentioned, and said that the trend now is to dismantle these, and to let Catholics mix in with non-Catholics. The fact that I can remember it, now 53 years later, shows that I was very bothered by the whole idea.

Vatican II is, of course, the cause of the decomposition and collapse of which the Novus Ordo priest speaks. For one thing, the gradual decline over the past sixty years of Catholic faith, morals, and culture, accelerating as it goes, is absolutely coincidental with Vatican II and its subsequent reforms. But someone may say: “You cannot accuse Vatican II just because these problems are coincidental with it.” True, but nevertheless the phenomenon does draw our attention. So let us look at the intrinsic causes. Modernism’s basic principle is that the Catholic Church must be adapted to the modern world. This idea is what has dominated Vatican II and its reforms. But the modern world embraces perverse, atheistic, relativistic, agnostic, and immoral ideas and practices, to which Vatican II has conformed the Church. But to conform the Catholic Church to these things is to kill it. This is precisely what is happening before our eyes.

The Novus Ordo religion is still operating on the immense strength of pre-Vatican II Catholicism. Just like a hurricane over land continues to turn even after it has lost its source of power, so the Novus Ordo is still functioning as an institution because it is still drawing from pre-Vatican II power. But just as the hurricane eventually dissipates, so too will this new and false religion of Vatican II dissipate. The young people, for the most part, just have no interest in it.

Sixty years since the death of Pius XII


Pope Pius XII (1939-1958)

On October 9th, we marked sixty years since the death of Pope Pius XII. It means that we have labored under Modernism for these sixty years, and have watched with horror the  disintegration of everything that made our Faith beautiful: Catholic doctrine, good and holy priests, an abundance of devout and zealous religious brothers and nuns, Catholic schools, Catholic universities, Catholic seminaries teeming with holy seminarians aspiring to the priesthood, the traditional Latin Mass, traditional sacraments, the Legion of Decency, religious habits, priests in cassocks and Roman collars, magnificent churches, elaborate ceremonies, Gregorian chant and other beautiful church music, discipline,  orthodoxy, modest dress, good morals. I could go on. What I describe is the world of my childhood which, at the time, I took for granted, but which I loved and cherished. Continue reading

Changing the catechism


John Paul II’s catechism

In another decision which gave angst to the Novus Ordo conservatives, Bergoglio issued a document recently declaring that the 1992 catechism of John Paul II was wrong on capital punishment. This is the official text: Continue reading

Bishop Fellay’s interview

Bishop Bernard Fellay

Bishop Fellay, who has been, until recently, the head of the Society of Saint Pius X for the past twenty-four years, gave an interview to Tagespost in which he said a few things which deserve attention. Continue reading

Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.


The Youcat (“youth catechism”) published under Ratzinger’s non-papacy. 

In all three countries, Ireland, Argentina, and Poland, the guilt for this defection from Catholic morals (see my previous post) must be placed upon the Novus Ordo clergy. For of all the countries of the world these three are among the most predominantly Catholic, and the Catholic clergy were in a perfect position to influence the population away from these moral atrocities. Continue reading

Shame. Shame. Shame.


“Catholic Ireland”

Shame on Ireland. While strolling through Rome last month, Bishop Selway and I met an Irish lady who asked us to pray for Ireland, because in a few days (May 25th) there would be a referendum concerning abortion.

Ironically the woman was a Protestant, although she was from Galway, which is in the Republic of Ireland, nearly entirely Catholic.

A staggering 66.4% of the Irish, nearly all Catholics, voted in favor of legalizing the murder of innocent babies. The voting followed lines of age: those against were mostly from the older generation; those in favor mostly from the younger generation. My Irish grandfather must be turning in his grave to think that his race would have voted for the legalization of such a heinous crime. If he were alive I could just imagine what he would say, perhaps not entirely repeatable.

Shame on Argentina. The Congress of Argentina, another nearly entirely Catholic country, recently voted to permit abortions to take place up to fourteen weeks of pregnancy.

Shame on Poland. Yet another nearly completely Catholic country, Poland, with deep roots of Catholicism and many well-known saints to its name, recently permitted a “gay pride” parade in Warsaw.

This parade, entirely legal, came only a few months after Poland’s government declared that Christ was the King of Poland.

King of Poland? To proclaim Christ as King of your country, and at the same time to permit sodomites to parade in your capital to show off their pride in their sexual perversions is an act of the grossest hypocrisy. It is pure pharisaism, that is, to pretend piety and devotion on the outside, but to be corrupt interiorly.

It is the same thing as to hang a picture of Christ the King in your home, and then to spit upon it.

Our Lord had very hard words for the Pharisees. The holy Gospel is filled with these hard words, showing a particular disgust that Our Lord had for those who would give God fine words on the outside, but love sin on the inside. In Saint Matthew Our Lord addresses these hypocrites in this way: “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are like to whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful, but within are full of dead men’s bones, and of all filthiness.” (Matthew XXIII: 27)

Poland has placed a crown of thorns upon the head of their King.



Bergoglio “consoles” the boy weeping for his deceased atheist father by giving him a dose of Pelagianism, a condemned  heresy which holds that we go to heaven for being merely naturally good, that is, without the help of the grace of God. He should have told the boy that there is no hope of salvation for an atheist, and that he should use the lesson of his father’s lack of faith by praying to God for perseverance in the Catholic Faith, and the grace of a happy death.

First, let me explain what Pelagianism is.

It is a fifth century heresy concocted by an English priest, Pelagius, which held to the denial of original sin and to the idea that we can go to heaven for being merely naturally good. He denied the necessity of actual grace in order to maintain a good moral life, and to avoid hell. Actual grace was merely a help, but not a necessity. Needless to say, this heresy was condemned. Continue reading