Can Novus Ordo Baptisms be Trusted as Valid?

Why Do Not the Clergy of Saint Gertrude the Great

Investigate the Validity of Novus Ordo Baptisms?

Recently Father Lehtoranta, a priest of the clergy of Saint Gertrude the Great [SGG] in West Chester, Ohio, wrote an article criticizing the position of the Roman Catholic Institute [RCI] regarding Novus Ordo Baptisms. Since the matter is somewhat complicated, I will present our response in a question and answer format.

Father Lehtoranta’s assertions are essentially two: (1) SGG denies that there is prudent doubt  concerning the validity of Novus Ordo Baptisms; instead they opt to presume their validity until they are proved doubtful or invalid by positive evidence; (2) the doubts which the RCI alleges concerning Novus Ordo Baptisms are negative doubts, “baseless suspicions and scruples,”, “utterly imprudent and void,” and without foundation.

I will respond to both of these assertions.

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Plenty to Mourn About

We read recently about a tragic event in Nashville, Tennessee, in which a transgender person killed six people in a Presbyterian school.

From the note that was left, part of the motive was suicide. It means that this person was severely depressed over a long period of time (for the act was planned months in advance).

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The Death of Ratzinger

The last of the suit-and tie priests, the radicals who inspired and directed Vatican II, has passed on to his judgement. Only God knows what is in store for those who have destroyed His vineyard with the ravages of Modernism. Karl Rahner and Hans Küng, his radical cronies, have already preceded him to the judgement seat.

The media and the Novus Ordo conservatives regard him as a great man, a great conservative who was preserving the Faith against the naysayers.

Of course we know this is false. But it is true to say that he was a Novus Ordo conservative. This designation, however, does not in any way exonerate him, or make him worthy of praise.

What is damning in the term is Novus Ordo. This term indicates the entire revolution of Vatican II, which infected dogma, morals, discipline, canon law, and the liturgy. Every single aspect of Catholic life was injected with this poison, with the result that billions
of souls have lost the Catholic Faith.

Everyone detests the crime of genocide. If we take Hitler, Stalin and Mao-Tse-Tung together, it might add up to 100 million dead bodies.

Genocide is to destroy people’s bodies. Vatican II perpetrated a spiritual genocide, however, in which billions have lost the Catholic Faith. Spiritual death is an everlasting death, one that never quits. It is a perpetual and continual pain of separation from God. It is everlasting agony.

What is yet worse, Ratzinger personified the attempt to “marry” this godless revolution of Vatican II with the Catholic Faith. He encouraged the traditional Latin Mass, but under the aspect of Modernism, that is, because it corresponds to people’s tastes and sensitivities. For this he is praised and glorified, in contrast to Bergoglio, who is vilified for merely being a consistent Vatican II proponent.

We cannot, however, permit the Catholic Faith to become the illegitimate child resulting from the union of two religions which are diametrically opposed to each other. We cannot be in communion with those who have destroyed our Faith. Vatican II must be condemned and repudiated as a conciliabulum, which is the Church’s term for an illegitimate and phony council. Only then will there be a true restoration, and only then a true peace.

It is the characteristic of non-Catholic sects to have liberal and conservative branches. The very term “conservative” implies the legitimacy of its correlative, namely “liberal.” So there are liberal and conservative Jews, liberal and conservative Protestants, liberal and conservative Moslems.

The Catholic Faith, by its very nature, and even by its name, is universal, that is one single set of dogmas and morals for everyone, without any deviation, one government, one worship, one great institution. If we accept anything less than this, we will be worse than the very perpetrators of this apostasy of Vatican II.

Salvation Through Piety Alone

Everyone is familiar with Luther’s heretical teaching known as salvation through faith alone. This means that the single act which is necessary for salvation is faith, which for him, and for protestants in general, means trust in God. For Catholics faith means the assent of the intellect, by means of a supernatural virtue infused by God, to the truths revealed by God and proposed as such by the teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore for Luther, and for those who follow him, sins do not count against you in the order of salvation. There is no need to mortify yourself. No need to do penance. Luther said: “Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly…No sin will separate us from the Lamb, even though we commit fornication and murder a thousand times a day” [1]

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Bergoglio Attacks “Restorationism”

In an interview with various Jesuit magazines, Bergoglio said that the current problem in the Church is “precisely the non-acceptance of the [Second Vatican] Council.” He singled out the United States as the hotbed of “restorationism,” as he called it. He even said that some of the restorationists actually consider the Council of Trent more important than the Second Vatican Council. (Imagine!)

This reminds me of the Emperor Nero who himself set fire to Rome, in the opinion of many historians, in order to build his Golden House, next to the Coliseum.

As the story goes, he fiddled while Rome burned. Then fearful that he would be accused of having set the fire, he decided to blame the setting of the fire on the Christians, then a tiny group in Rome, and put many of them to death, including St. Peter and St. Paul.

By analogy, Rome is burning, that is, the entire Church is collapsing from the point of view of the Catholic faith of the clergy and the people. It is in shambles. Yet the problem is not Vatican II. No. The problem is the restorationists! [1]

Who set the fire? The Modernists. The Church was doing fine under Pius XII. Since Vatican II, it has been reduced to rubble in every aspect of its existence, and shows itself to be a dying organization. Is Vatican II the cause? Of course not. For Bergoglio, what we need is more Vatican II, and that will solve the problem.

[1] They comprise perhaps 1 or 2 percent of the entire population which calls itself Catholic.

Yet Another Heresy From Heresy-Mouth

Bergoglio gives a reflection on the communion of saints, which is, of course a dogma of the Catholic Faith. So we are definitely in the area of heresy here. He says that the communion of saints is the Church, but gives it an unheard of meaning: “The Church is the community of saved sinners. It’s beautiful, this definition. No one can exclude themselves [sic] from the Church, we are all saved sinners.”

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Bergoglio Calls Adhering to Tradition a Perversion

On February 2nd, Bergoglio said this in a homily: “We cannot pretend not to see these signs and continue as if nothing had happened, repeating the same old things, dragging ourselves through inertia into the forms of the past, paralyzed by fear of change. I have said it many times: today, the temptation to go backwards, out of security, out of fear, to preserve the faith, to preserve the founding charism… It is a temptation. The temptation to go backwards and preserve “traditions” with rigidity. Let’s get this straight: rigidity is a perversion, and underneath all rigidity there are serious problems.”

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The Pre-1955 Holy Week

Annibale Bugnini

As our people know, we reject the use of the new Holy Week rites which were designed by the freemason and archmodernist Annibale Bugnini, and, sadly, approved for use by Pope Pius XII.

We receive a good deal of heat for rejecting rites which were approved by a real pope. The reasons, however, are obvious. The Modernists planned the New Mass from the time of Benedict XV. They worked very gradually and quietly, step by step, spoon-feeding the hierarchy, clergy, and lay people with the implementation of minor but very significant changes.

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The Vacancy of the Apostolic See, the non-papacy of Francis, and for that matter of Benedict XVI, John Paul II, John Paul I, Paul VI, and even of John XXIII, is an issue which has divided traditionalists perhaps more than any other over the past forty years.

Of those who have taken the path of resistance to the reforms of Vatican II, the majority profess to be sedeplenists, that is, they hold that Francis is a true Roman Pontiff. They do so usually under the direction of the Society of Saint Pius X. Others, a minority but not an insignificant one, are sedevacantists, that is, they say that Francis is not a true Roman Pontiff, nor are his Vatican II predecessors.

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Disappointment With Viganò

Here and here, I spoke about the statements of Novus Ordo Archbishop Viganò. These were cerebral and succinct condemnations of the Second Vatican Council and of the effluent from that dreadful meeting.

In a recent statement to the Remnant, however, which is a recognize-and resist publication, the Archbishop took the position of what I would call recognize and ignore. He says, essentially, that Vatican II can just be ignored. Its false teachings do not matter since there were no definitions of dogma, and therefore are fallible statements.

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